- Ensure good light – bright, non-dazzling light is best for the eyes.
- Yawning – A very simple but effective exercise for moistening and cleaning the eyes.
- Darkening – This helps tired eyes, body and spirit to come to rest. The perception of darkness and warmth deepens relaxation.
- Blinking – When working at the computer screen, we blink too little and the eyes do not get enough moisture, so look away from the screen several times per hour and blink
- Fresh air – Regular ventilation, or take a short walk in the fresh air. But avoid cigarette smoke or car exhaust when doing so.
- Sun Protection – too much sunlight can irritate the eyes, UV radiation causes the lenses and retina to age faster. So, you should wear a pair of good sunglasses when you’re in the sunlight.
- Looking into the distance – looking step by step into the distance to get the inner and outer eye muscles moving and enhance the flexibility of the eye lenses.
- Eat-Yourself-Fit – Good for your eyesight, for example, is vitamin C (e.g. kale, kiwifruit, peppers, citrus fruits), vitamin E (e.g. avocados, almonds, wheat germ oil), vitamin A precursors such as lutein and zeaxanthin (e.g. kale, celery and spinach) and zinc (e.g. liver, dairy products, beef).
- Moisturizing – The eyes also need moisture, so it is important to drink a lot. Room plants and humidifiers ensure a pleasant indoor climate.
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