If you’re holding the controller in your hand, you’ll have lots of options. You can solve quests, use diverse equipment for that and regenerate your computer with health kits. But real life isn’t a game. Although researchers are working on an antidote at full speed, the current corona crisis cannot be solved yet. There is a lack of equipment in hospitals and, unfortunately, health is not as easy in real life as it is with the virtual intake of medical packs or painkillers.
We have to support our daily live heroes, because doctors, nurses, but also other systemically relevant professions such as post-, policemen and garbage collectors or supermarket employees are probably going through the professional challenge of their lives at this moment. In cooperation with Home United, the wethinkunited foundation was founded. The foundation assures that 100% of the income benefits good causes and allocates the funds to different organisations. These are Caritas International, the WHO and other locally operated relief organisations. But talk is cheap! Therefore, we initiated the LoggedIn campaign to collect donations.
The LoggedIn Festival is a gaming movement bringing community and charity together. The aim of the campaign is not only to play games online but also to collect donations together. Initiated by Home United and Unicorns of Love, there is a platform on which celebrities like the rapper Sido take part to compete with their fans. Whether Mario Kart, NBA or Uno – everyone is welcome; to join the eSport movement. Everyone’s contribution counts! #stayhome #stayloggedin
Edel-Optics is going even bigger and takes €5 of every order to contribute to the donations. This campaign is ongoing until 30 April 2020.