You know how it is: the temperature drops below zero, you tighten your scarf and in the space between your hat and the arms of your glasses, the cold wind has free rein. To find out how hats and glasses can still be a stylish dream team in winter and what to look out for when combining the two accessories, read on.
Extreme Style Conditions
When it comes to style, winter doesn’t make it easy for us. The standard winter outfit consists of warm shoes, a thick jacket, a thick scarf, thick gloves – and, of course, a hat. Since hardly anyone has umpteen winter jackets in x-number of colours in their repertoire, we‘re only left with the accessories with which to express ourselves. And because the first thing you do is look people in the face, getting the eyewear right is key to your overall look. A red knitted hat paired with a blue navy jacket, a white pom-pom hat paired with a grey coat – the combination says a lot about the wearer. With glasses, another factor comes into play that should by no means be underestimated.
Which hat should I wear with my glasses?
The arms of the glasses usually fit smoothly behind the ears and are not only there to keep your glasses on, but can also be a real eye-catcher, depending on the frame. With hats, however, things get a bit tricky, because the arms stop the hat from fitting properly to the head. It can even put pressure on the sensitive part of the ears and give the hat a funny shape on the sides. Should you ignore it? No, you just have to find the right hat.
The Classic: Knitted Hats
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It’s no longer just skaters or hip-hop fans who wear beanies, and it’s hard to imagine our wardrobes without them. Whether cotton or wool, these pear-shaped hats are easy to pair and look good on almost anyone. In combination with glasses, choose a knitted hat with a wide fold-over brim so that it fits better over the ears. Even the sticking out arms of the glasses will not be noticeable underneath a hat with a thick, soft material. The more flexible the material, the better. Large patterns on the hat can easily clash with the style of the glasses, whereas single-coloured hats don’t draw attention away from the eyes. And if you have long hair, you should avoid tucking it behind your ears when wearing a hat and instead leave some in front so that it gives your face and glasses a flattering frame.
The Minimalist Solution: Docker Hats
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For people who don’t get cold easily and like to dress with a minimalistic style, docker hats a.k.a fishermen’s hats are a good choice. This type of mini-beanie only covers the top of the head and is currently very popular, in particular, among stylish men. The advantage of these hats: they don’t clash with the glasses but rather compliment them.
The Elegant Ones: Berets
French, classy, a long-time favourite: berets turn every outfit into an eye-catcher, whether tilted diagonally across the forehead or worn casually on the back of the head. The way they are worn also influences the look that they create, from bold to tough to Lolita style, everything is possible. For men, the beret is a cool addition to most outfits, which should, however, be carefully paired due to its military look. This hat looks best with eye-catching sunglasses or nerdy metal frames. But whether for men or women, unfortunately you won’t get warm ears with a beret either.
The Practical One: the Headband Hat
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Warm ears, intact hairstyle – headbands are the multitasker among headgear for women. And they go incredibly well with glasses. Loosely pulled over the hair from above, the forehead only lightly covered, the perfect look is ready.
The Extravagant One: the Fedora
A Fedora hat is always a fashion statement and, when it comes to glasses, needs a strong counterpart with character, for example bold havanna-rimmed glasses or golden aviator glasses with a double bridge. This type of hat can also be a little chilly on the ears, but the eye-catching style it gives you more than compensates for this.
The All-Round Solution: Aviator Hats
Whoever prefers something really warm should go for an aviator hat made of (artificial) fur. They reliably block out every breath of wind – but unfortunately also any sense of style…