The eye is one of the most important sensory organs of human beings. As soon as we open our eyes in the morning, a stressful day begins for our eyes because every visual impression is perceived and must be processed. The eyes are exposed to a variety of burdens e.g. working on the computer, the constant use of smartphones, too little sleep or even poor air conditions, such as exhaust fumes, cold or dry indoor air, something everyone has experienced. At some point, the eyes react irritated, which manifests itself in different kinds of eye complaints.
Tired Eyes
Not only little sleep, but also focusing on a certain place can result in exhausted eyes. When driving, working in front of the computer, reading a newspaper or spending long evenings in front of the TV, our focus is on a specific place. While we are focusing on this spot, we blink too little and hardly move our eyeballs. The result is that our tear fluid evaporates before the lacrimal glands can produce replenishment. Our eyes then feel tired.
These tips and exercises help to relax tired eyes:
- Exercise: Closing the eyes several times a day for several minutes and relaxing will work wonders and give you a new boost of Consciously yawning several times a day trains the eye muscles and stimulates the production of tears, so that the feeling of tiredness fades.
- Brightness: strong contrasts between light and dark put a heavy strain on the eyes. Therefore, the rooms where you spend a lot of time should be well lit.
- Tip: Checking visual acuity once a year is important if you constantly suffer from tired eyes. For those who have bad eyesight but don’t wear glasses or contact lenses, an additional burden is put on their eyes. Should tired eyes be accompanied by other complaints, such as pain, an ophthalmologist should be consulted.
Swollen Eyes
You wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and see that your eyes are swollen. This happens to many people. The swelling normally disappears after a short time and conclusions about lack of sleep or an unhealthy diet can be drawn.
These home remedies are generally preventive:
- Drink plenty of water! An adequate fluid intake prevents the formation of tear sacs.
- Cooling helps! Simply put cooling glasses, cooling pads or spoons that have been stored in the freezer on the eyes for ten minutes, relax and the swelling will disappear.
- Tea and caffeine contain tannins, which activate the metabolism of the lymph glands and have a decongestant effect. Simply put tea bags or coffee pods briefly in the warm water, allow them to cool and then lay them on the eyes for a few minutes.
However, in some cases, swollen eyes may occur due to acute or chronic illnesses, such as conjunctivitis, sties, dry eyes, allergies, colds, high blood pressure and kidney or thyroid disorders. Should the swelling not disappear, or you often suffer from swollen eyes or should additional symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted.
Watery Eyes
Tears are often an expression of joy, anger or grief. But when our eyes are free of emotion, there are other things that can irritate the eye, such as dry air, inflammation, dust particles or pollen. To prevent possible damage, the human body tries to protect itself against infections and bacteria by means of automatic lacrimation.
But even a normal yawn, a breeze or strong laughter can activate the lacrimal glands and induce tears for a short period.
The following tips will help against watery eyes:
- Frequent ventilation of the living space, going outside in the fresh air and rinsing the eyes with clear water help against watery eyes which are caused by dryness of the conjunctiva.
- Contact lens wearers, who suffer from watery eyes, should pay attention to the correct handling of the lenses: a thorough cleaning of the lenses, as well as taking breaks from wearing them are especially important in this respect!
- We often touch our faces and rub our eyes without being aware of it. Regularly washing your hands reduces the risk of infection for eye diseases and minimizes bacterial ingestion into the eyes.
Dry, Itchy Eyes
When the eyes itch, one tends to suspect that it is due to an allergy. But often, dryness is the reason for the annoying itching. Dry eyes occur when there is insufficient tear fluid and the eye is insufficiently wetted. These symptoms are particularly noticeable in cases of overexertion, high concentration and among people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer or smartphone.
How this can be counteracted:
- Blink at least ten times a minute to prevent dry eyes.
- Fresh air helps against the itching. The home and workplace should therefore be ventilated as often as possible.
- If, in addition to itching, there is additional pain or redness, an expert should be consulted. You might have a sty or conjunctivitis, which can be caused by bacteria and must be treated by a doctor.
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