The first few spring days start when it is just as long light as it is dark. But meteorologically speaking, springtime has already started. The 20th of March it is also the start of spring according to the calendar. Now everyone agrees that “spring is in the air!” Feeling livelier people venture outdoors in droves. After all, these are the first mild days of the year where you can soak up the warmth of the first rays of sunshine. The first flowers are sprouting, and everyone is in a good mood. And when you leave the house, sunglasses become obligatory again. Even late sleepers have an easier time of getting out of bed. And people have “butterflies in their stomach”, collectively having spring fever. But why does spring make us feel so good? Why does it get people outdoors and make life seem so worthwhile?
As the days get longer and people are more exposed to the sun, the body’s hormone balance is regenerated. More endorphins, oestrogen and testosterone are produced. In addition, as it gets warmer outside, our clothing becomes airier, and more skin is exposed to the sun’s rays. As a result, vitamin D, the so-called sun vitamin, is increasingly produced.
We now become really active, because during the long bright days our body produces less melatonin, the so-called sleep hormone. The sleep-wake cycle is therefore more regulated than in the dark seasons and our mini-hibernation is brought to an end. As a result, we are much more active, are fitter early in the mornings and have more drive. Happiness hormones, such as serotonin, are also increasingly released thanks to the warmth and light.
Our spirits are now noticeably lifted by the richly-coloured flowering plants and their fragrance in the air. Thanks to friendlier temperatures, people are more empathetic and the hormone cocktail and the many positive impressions all around you make you feel more attractive than before. This is now the best time to fall in love, due to our roller coaster of emotions.
But the onset of spring can also initially overwhelm us, making us listless and tired. The body’s adjustment to a few tenths of a degree ambient temperature, the subsequent drop in blood pressure as well as the hormonal changes can all be quite taxing and result in the well-known spring fatigue. If you are one of those people who finds it difficult to get into the swing of things in spring, here are some helpful tips:
Tip 1: The best way to prevent spring fatigue is to start getting regular fresh air and daylight in the cold winter months as this makes the adjustment not quite so difficult. Sporting activities and early morning walks in the daylight lift your mood and are thus conducive to “spring feelings”. At the same time, you will get a proper oxygen shower and your circulation will get going, helping you gain momentum. Small gymnastic exercises such as targeted stretching will also help to get you up and running.
Tip 2: Massages and wellness showers promote blood circulation, making you more alert. The repeated change from cold to warm water is particularly stimulating.
Tip 3: The soft morning sunlight is great for your eyes. It can improve your visual acuity and even moderately prevent old-age blindness. For this you should put yourself in a sunny spot in the morning without wearing your contact lenses or glasses. Now with your eyes closes, look into the sun, move your head slowly up and down, left and right. The sunlight shines extremely gently through your eyelids. It only takes five minutes to complete this exercise which boosts vitamin D3 production.
Tip 4: Vitamins as a medicine against tiredness. In winter, we often neglect a nutrient-rich diet and so our vitamin stores are empty in spring. It is now best to treat yourself to fresh fruit and vegetables, especially fruit from the south that have had a lot of sun and that are good for your immune system, e.g. kiwis, pineapple and citrus fruits.
Tip 5: The strong colours of seasonal fruit and vegetables stimulate the brain in spring. You can get an extra kick by wearing stronger colours or taking home some flowers. Be bold in your use of colours.
We hope that with these tips you can start well and get into the spring feeling, quickly becoming a sun worshiper rather than a hibernator. Because now is the time to go out, soak up the sun, smile, flirt or just be in a good mood. And should it not work with spring feelings and rose-coloured glasses, the next spring is sure to come!
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